What’s this Article About?

An simple explanation and overview of the current NFT standards and every current on chain implementations explain very simply.

NFT standards

There are so many NFT standards that it can become increasingly overwhelming. Imagine each of them as a different Pokémon. Each would fit a different battle depending on the type that’s needed. For example a regular NFT. It will be the starter that you can select. It's simple and versatile.

So the best comparison would be a Charmander (Charmander is my favorite one so we’re going with that as my example) Now let’s get on with the different types of NFTs pNFT: This is a programmable NFT. The simple way to think about it is giving your Pokémon a chance to learn a new move that will make it more powerful. For example imagine that pikachu can only learn a certain move if you get the electric gym badge. pNFTs have built-in logic that can trigger actions, like automatic royalty distribution or timed access changes.

cNFT: cNFT stands for "compressed NFT," and is the most cost effective way to make NFTs in a large amount. This is due to having the data off chain. So the best way to explain this is simple. In pokemon, there is A LOT OF ZUBAT! But how can there be so many Zubats? Well that’s because the caves allow them to reproduce immensely. In this case the cave is a off chain service and Zubat is the cNFT! ephNFTs: This is a Ephemeral NFT. Basically a temporary one. Perfect for subscriptions or a limit time event. If you ever played pokemon go then you can think about the famous Mewtwo boss event in NYC at Central Park. If you were lucky, you had a chance to get it and if you did. It was limited use as it was

On-chain Implementations:

Benefits and Drawbacks:

Each standard and implementation has its strengths and weaknesses, just like each Pokémon type.

Libreplex is cost-effective but has a way smaller community. If there’s barely anyone whos a trainer with your pokemon type. Might be harder to learn and become the best

Metaplex is user-friendly but might raise concerns about centralization. Basically imagine the gym leaders being in control of how a Pokémon can be train and use being a good guy but then at any moment they can turn eveil


Luckily this is Solana so there isn’t much cost. Usually a penny or less per NFT minted

New standard

WEN is the new standard that came but to pretty much describe it is a fractionalized nft. This basically mean it will be split into a bunch of nfts that make up one. So in pokemon terms, think of Pyukumuku splitting into a bunch of tiny Pyuku but at the end of the day. It is still a Pyuku


Solana docs, WEN documentation, Magiceden Doc,

Jupiter dev’s WEN airdrop introduces new Solana NFT standard